Jason Aldean and Freedom of Speech

I’m a bit annoyed but I have to preface this post with a few things. 1. I do not know Jason Aldean personally. 2. I rarely post anything controversial. 3. If my post offends you or doesn’t fit with your line of thought process, please move on because I just don’t care.

Jason Aldean is a very popular country music star. Recently, his new hit, “Try That In A Small Town” has come under fire. He has been accused of all sorts of things, from having “lynching connotations” to “racial notes” in this song. As I have reviewed what Mr. Aldean has written on social media, along with what news outlets have stated, I feel the need to tear the song itself apart and break it down for a clearer understanding.

Sucker punch somebody on a sidewalk
Carjack an old lady at a red light
Pull a gun on the owner of a liquor store
Ya think it’s cool, well, act a fool if ya like

What happens when you hit someone? Sounds like you made a decision to put your hands where they don’t belong. There are consequences for those actions. What about when you decide to take someone’s vehicle? You become a thief, and there are laws regarding theft. Anytime you take someone’s property and fail to return it, it’s theft. Guns? If you pulled a gun on someone, I’m willing to bet the gun isn’t even registered legally in your name. Not only did you think about robbing the store but you also thought about killing someone in the process. That’s premeditated murder and aggravated robbery.

Cuss out a cop, spit in his face
Stomp on the flag and light it up
Yeah, ya think you’re tough

Do you really think you are “cool” doing these things, is it “cool” to spend years in prison? Who are you trying to impress while you are acting foolish? It makes me wonder how you were raised. Just because you had someone in the family behave inappropriately, doesn’t mean you have to choose the same path.

There is nothing “badass” about disrespecting law enforcement. My brother is an officer. My oldest son wants to be a police officer. I’ve got many family members who have served in the military. I have observed how respect for law enforcements and the law has changed in the last 20 years. In the state of Washington, police officers can no longer participate in high speed pursuits. While this is for the safety of the general public, drivers are not required to pull over for traffic violations when commanded to by local law enforcement. Police really have no authority and are disrespected these days. Behaviors that disrespect police would have not been tolerated when I was growing up. I was taught to pull over when the flashing lights were behind me and to admit responsibility for my actions. Society isn’t being taught that anymore. Destroying the American flag is nothing new. There are historical events demonstrating flag burning that goes back years. If you truly are proud to be an American and love this country, then don’t burn the flag! There is no purpose to destroying what that flag represents and the freedoms that allow it to fly proudly!

Well, try that in a small town
See how far ya make it down the road
Around here, we take care of our own
You cross that line, it won’t take long
For you to find out, I recommend you don’t
Try that in a small town

America was built on small towns. They are the backbone of today’s society and culture. The gigantic cities didn’t appear overnight out of nothingness. When something occurs in a small town, the residents of that town will rally. It doesn’t have to be a tragedy either. If someone needs something, the neighbors are there for each other. If someone does cross a line, they are brought to the table and held accountable. Nobody is being lynched and the law isn’t being taken into the hands of the residents. Instead, the wrongdoer is being held responsible for their wrongdoings within accordance to the law.

Got a gun that my granddad gave me
They say one day they’re gonna round up
Well, that shit might fly in the city, good luck

American citizens have the right to bear arms. It is our second amendment in the Constitution. We have the right to protect our lives and property by any means necessary. The government, despite all their huffing and puffing about gun control, does NOT have the right to take anyone’s legitimately owned guns. Now, if I had a gun in my possession that was not appropriately registered to me or someone in my household (hey, I do believe in knowing how to use a gun safely but I will not purchase one myself), then I fully expect it to be confiscated by law enforcement. My brother and I will most likely inherit my father’s guns when the time comes.

Try that in a small town
See how far ya make it down the road
Around here, we take care of our own
You cross that line, it won’t take long
For you to find out, I recommend you don’t
Try that in a small town

Full of good ol’ boys, raised up right
If you’re looking for a fight
Try that in a small town
Try that in a small town

Try that in a small town
See how far ya make it down the road
Around here, we take care of our own
You cross that line, it won’t take long
For you to find out, I recommend you don’t
Try that in a small town

Try that in a small town
Try that in a small town

I’ve lived in a few small towns. If you so much as fart wrong, everyone will know. You can’t escape the life of a small town. I remember moving to where my Dad currently lives. I ran into one of my Dad’s friends who simply said, “oh yeah, you’re Robert’s daughter. Welcome to southern Illinois! Glad you’re here.” Ummm, thanks.

While I prefer the anonymity of a big city, small town living does have some interesting perks. First of all, everyone knows everyone. Second of all, you’re family. Nobody cares what color you are or your bloodline. All they care about is that you mind your manners and behave yourself in a manner that makes the kinfolk proud to call you one of them.

Mr. Aldean, I get what you’re trying to say with this song. To put it simply, in a small town if you mess up, there are consequences that the whole town will know about. It doesn’t even need social media to spread the word. Your father’s cousin’s girlfriend’s uncle’s sister-in-law’s grandfather’s best friend’s husband’s ex-wife’s great aunt knows what you did wrong. That’s small town living.

Go ahead. Eff around and find out. Do something you shouldn’t and learn about the consequences. Good or bad, there are consequences for all actions.

Americans have the right to freedom of speech. General society needs to not get their panties in a wad over a simple song. It is a song that expresses the need for society to understand that there are consequences for every action. People need to know that certain behaviors are not acceptable or appropriate anywhere, small towns, big cities, or anywhere in between. Someone may do something while another isn’t looking but it doesn’t mean they will get away with it.

The Bible says in Luke 12 says “what is done in secret, will come to light”. I’m paraphrasing but the Higher Power sees all and will make wrongdoings known to others to establish the parameters of consequences.

Mr. Aldean, thank you for this song and for bring a very prevalent issue in society to light. I am raising my boys to respect authority and to understand the consequences their actions have. Society needs to take a stand and respect the laws of our great nation. Those laws are in place to protect those who accept accountability for their actions. Law enforcement needs to be respected as they have a duty to “protect and serve” the citizens of their communities. Nothing is without consequence.

Grow up, America. Take responsibility for your choices. Focus on correcting your actions and help others to create a better America. Collectively, we all can make America great again and no longer be the ridicule of other nations.


I’m not a fan of doctors, except for the one I work for. However, I find myself in urgent care on this glorious Saturday morning. Not my idea of fun.

I woke up to a swollen left eye. I noticed some swelling in the corner by the tear duct and it looked like a pimple was forming. This was Thursday afternoon. Yesterday, there were no changes to my eye. I put a hot compress on it. In the wee hours of the morn, I felt a sharp stabbing pain on the outer side of my left eye. Another hot compress and the pain subsided.

Now, I’m sitting in the urgent care, back in a room, with a flow of antibiotics going through an IV. Might ask for an iron infusion while I’m at it.

Anyhow, I digress. I have a bacterial infection in my eye. I will be given a prescription of antibiotics to accompany the IV then return tomorrow to see what improvement there is.

Saturday Night Movies

We have routines in our house. One of them is a different movie every Saturday night. Movies start at 8pm PST. The boys get a treat and a beverage during the movie. It’s kind of a big deal.

They start asking on Wednesdays what the week’s movie will be. I started Christmas movies last month. Last week’s movie was “Nativity Story”. It was a bigger hit than I expected. They all liked it and nothing negative was said. Most of the movies are rated PG. Anything above that gets screened and discussed between David and I.

The boys watch a lot of news programs so we aren’t too worried about the violence factor. They have been taught what is real versus what is fake and anytime we watch something that has violence, we talk with the boys about it.

They know to be quiet, like in the theater, during the movie. We get the occasional question but they understand by watching that their questions will be answered in time. The only question tonight has been if they can have some more hot cocoa.


Sometimes I worry they will have nightmares from some of the movies but I’ve figured out they are always the heroes in their dreams. They’re good boys and very rarely act out as bad guys.

I have to figure out what movie we’ll be watching next Saturday. My in laws will be here and I plan on reading the last bit of The Christmasaurus that night. That’s a cute story for another blog.

The Grinch

I’ve never been a huge fan of Christmas and it’s only gotten worse. I do participate for the sake of the kids. The older ones don’t believe in Santa Claus but the two littles are borderline on their beliefs.

Christmas can truly be a magical time of year. I just think it’s more commercialized than ever. We live during a time when people think they are entitled. Gimme, gimme, gimme. I wasn’t raised in believing Christmas is about what you can get but rather, what can you give. I love to give. I love spoiling others. I am doing something different for the boys this year. The three little ones are going shopping with me, one-on-one, for their siblings. They have been very excited about it. We go to lunch or dinner and then spend a few hours shopping.

Sometimes we cannot find what we are looking for in the stores. That’s where Amazon comes in. The packages have been hitting the doorstep and it’s been great. I’ve had the boys truly think about what they want to give. Although they all wrote out wishlists, but I used them as ideas and not specific gifts. I’ve already taken JR and JJ out.

JR is the adventurous one when it comes to food. We drove down to Portland and went to Marrakech with my future MIL. We had a good time.


JR had originally ordered chicken with honey but he didn’t like it. Roxie ordered the lamb skewers and offered to swap with JR. He loved the lamb. He loved almost all of the food. The eggplant salad wasn’t his thing though. I’m very proud that he tried something new.

He wasn’t a big fan of the dancer but he’s 9.

I took JJ to MOD pizza. Then he was able to find everything he wanted to get his brothers at the store. Except one gift. All of the gifts have arrived so far from Amazon. I’ll probably start wrapping this weekend. I didn’t get any pictures of JJ though. I forgot. Shame on me. I’m a bad mom.

Next up to shop is DJ. I plan to take him to Fujiyama and the mall. It should be an adventure!

Speed Up, Slow Down!

What is wrong with people? A few weeks ago, I was driving on the freeway and all of a sudden, I couldn’t see the headlights of the car behind me. She was honking her horn at me, implying that I needed to speed up or get out of her way. I can only go as fast as the vehicle in front of me, lady.

It’s ridiculous. As soon as she could fly by me, she stuck her arm out the window and gave me the sign that I was “number 1”. Yeesh. I know I’m number 1 according to my family but I didn’t need a finger to prove it.

Driving makes me anxious. Sometimes being a passenger makes me nervous. It’s not the driver. It’s all the other people out there who think they can drive. I’ll admit, I’m not the most perfect driver in the world, but I’m also not one to cause an accident or create road rage. I especially get anxious when I can’t see headlights behind me and I have to slow down around curves.

Now, let’s talk about the weather. My dad was in the car business. He did body repair. He always said the worst time for accidents was the first nice day of weather in the spring. It makes sense. The roads are dry and the weather is nice. People think the roads have become a race track. BAM!!! The front end of your car doesn’t look good wrapped around that pole or in the back of that truck.

People are more cautious during weather changes but they still don’t seem to be aware of the road. Wet leaves on the pavement, fresh grass clippings, debris across the road way, and tractor-trailers passing, all make the road hazardous. I had a bus coming towards me one day earlier this year and a rock hit my windshield. Scared the crap out of me and Sean. Windshield was fixed so all is well there.

I think one of my biggest fears while driving is being unaware and unable to stop to avoid an accident. It scares the heck out of me. Vehicles are weapons and can cause mass destruction. A car parked on the side of the road without anyone behind the wheel can do no harm. However, once that key is turned in the ignition, it can become a deadly weapon.

I am always on the lookout for other drivers. I cannot promise that other drivers are watching out for me. I watch for traffic patterns and erratic behaviors, like a car constantly changing lanes, to create awareness of my surroundings. You never know what is going through someone’s mind when they are driving but you can figure out who is distracted while driving.

I don’t text while driving either. I might check my phone while at a stop light though. Again, I’m using my ability to be aware. One time, I sat at a red light that had turned green for longer than usual. There were cars behind me. Nobody honked, thank goodness. Next thing I know, a car ran the red light. If I had gone, I would have been hit, guaranteed. I could see the person in the car behind me (rear view mirror) shaking their head. My heart was pounding. I was okay to drive but a little shaky.

Moral of the story: be aware of the weapon that you drive. Be aware and considerate of others, especially when driving.

She was here…

Then she was gone! The week Leslie was here was way too short. I miss my best friend.

I picked her up from SeaTac and we set off for Forks. The drive on the 101 was beautiful and we couldn’t have asked for a better day for the long drive. Our first stop was for food in Sequim. I don’t remember the name of the place but it was on the Main Street. We enjoyed some delicious middle eastern food. Then we walked for a bit and stopped in a shop that sold loose leave teas. I bought a very sweet Earl Grey crème called “Mount Olympus”. Afterwards, we headed over to a coffee shop called Rebel Heart. The coffees were very yummy. Back into the car and onto the 101!

Our next stop was in Forks. She wanted to see the Pacific Ocean so First Beach was it for the view.

I recognized the place as it was seen in the movie “The Goonies”. We didn’t quite make it to La Push as planned but that’s okay. We continued on the 101 into Aberdeen. Poor girl was tired so she fell asleep while I got lost. Navigation got messed up so I had missed a turn.

We got home much later than planned. Jack in the Box was dinner. She met the boys and they loved her. Even more so after they found out she plays Pokémon Go. What can I say? We’re hooked!

The next day we didn’t do much of anything other than chill and I introduced her to good coffee. Anything is better than Starbucks, imho. We took the boys to see The Rise of Gru. We all had a good time. The boys tried boba tea for the first time at the mall.

Thursday I had a doctor’s appointment and we had sushi after that. The boys needed to burn off some energy so I grabbed the Defy passes and off we went. Leslie and I jumped until our legs felt like jello and we were out of breath. We both got stuck in the cube pits. I don’t know where the boys get their energy from but I couldn’t last jumping the entire 1.5 hours!

Friday we were to the Space Needle in Seattle. While standing at the kiosk to purchase tickets, a couple of girls came up to us and asked if we wanted their tickets. Um, yes, please! They didn’t want anything for them so we felt blessed. Tickets for the space needle are not cheap and I was grateful for these girls. (Photo dump below)

Mt Ranier
Here, hold my overpriced beer!

The views are breathtaking! No, I’m not just talking about us either. I took a lot of photos and some of them were submitted to my credit union for their calendar photo contest.

We had to pick David up at SeaTac and for the little time left before that, we went down to Pike Place Market to look around. I figured out that driving in Seattle terrifies me. We had some piroshkis as a snack. I miss having those from back in Michigan. It was also Pokémon Go Fest in Seattle so we caught a lot of critters.

After picking David up, we went to Claim Jumper for dinner. Then endured the crazy drive home. I was happy and grateful to have my entire family under one roof. Only person missing was Bentley. He would have loved it but I appreciated the much needed girl time with Leslie.

Fresh farmer’s market finds

Saturday we went to the farmer’s market in downtown Olympia. Leslie bought some handmade soaps and a bunch of lavender. We also sampled the wines they proffered. Sunday, Declan’s birthday party at Defy was a blast.

Jurassic Park for my favorite dinosaur!

Monday came around and we just relaxed before taking Leslie to the airport. I cried most of the way there. I wasn’t ready for her to go!

I know she’ll be back and she’ll bring Carter and Bentley with her. I miss my babes!

A Simple Picture

A picture speaks 1000 words, right?

I was once asked why I take so many pictures. As a former photographer, I love the sound of the click of a camera. I love hearing the whirring noise the flash makes as it charges with power. I love the artistic end results that cannot be seen until the final product is produced.

So why do I take so many pictures? It’s simple. One day, my memory will fail. As age progresses, I may not remember the people I love. I may not be able to conjure up the images of the places I’ve been or the things I’ve done. Well, some things I may not want to remember. That could be a good thing.

I want my best friend to sit across from me and show me those pictures I’ve taken. Perhaps it will trigger my memory and I will remember how my time was spent. I will cherish my days now, while I can remember those minute moments. I will remember when she and I played hooky from work to take much needed drive to clear my head. I will remember our trip to southern Illinois and how we went exploring. I will remember. For now.


My best friend will be here in Seattle in less than 3 weeks. I want to make her trip a memorable one. I already know I’m going to take lots of pictures.

Because I want to remember. I need to remember. The pictures I take will trigger my memory. Time is not favorable to everyone.

Both of my grandmothers had a form of dementia. While I anticipate the possibility of it being genetic, I may get lucky and be as sharp as a tack when I am 80. I took a lot of pictures of my maternal grandmother before she left this earth.

Weeks before I said goodbye

Having these pictures mean the world to me. I plan to do a post of my grandma D soon. Right now it’s just too hard. I don’t really have any pictures of my paternal grandma. I didn’t see her as often as I lived in California before she passed.

But pictures are precious memories of what has passed. You can see and feel the emotions found in a single photograph. Hope is the picture of the future and if the future doesn’t go as hoped, it’s okay. It just means different memories will have passed.

Grandma and I

I will remember, Grandma. You may not have but I do and will.

A picture will always tell the story.

Celebration of Two

Today I took JR out to celebrate our combined birthdays. We went to lunch at Fujiyama’s. It’s like a Benihana to reference what my readers are more familiar with. David came with us at JR’s request.

Another couple sat at the table with their daughter, who was about JR’s age. We all chatted back and forth while the chef was getting ready. JR is getting better about telling the server what he wants to eat.

All JR talked about was eating the fried rice.

The chef teased him and only gave him a little bit of rice at first. Then after serving the rice to everyone else, he filled JR’s plate. He ate nearly all of it! Then asked me to save mine for him.

That’s fine. I’m not a big rice eater. I got his vegetables and the yum yum sauce was amazing! JR and David had chicken and I had steak. The place was pricey but well worth it and I stayed within my budget.

Volcano eruptus!

JR loved seeing the chef’s tricks and the hibachi being set on fire. I wish I had gotten a video of his face when the chef first lit it! It was priceless! He was so amazed by it all and enjoyed trying new foods.

We had a lot of fun!

At the end, the staff sang Happy Birthday to us. I gave my cake to the little girl. I’m stuffed.

Happy birthday, sweetheart. Bonus mom loves you very much!

Another Year

Around the sun.

I meant to write this yesterday but time keeps on slipping, slipping into the future…

Yesterday was my birthday. I celebrated the 24th anniversary of my 25th year. The celebration actually started Friday at work. One of my coworkers, D, decorated my desk. Then I was called into my supervisors office for my coworkers to sing happy birthday to me and there was a cake. I knew D had planned the whole thing because everything was lemons.

There was a lemon cake. A hat with lemons all over it and a yellow Gerbera daisy pot. I had also gotten Lemonheads (the candy). And of course, balloons!

I’ve never really had my coworkers do anything for me at work. I stopped asking for my birthday off because I never really got it unless it was my actual day off. I work Monday through Friday so this year I had my birthday off.

I woke up yesterday morning to a flood of people wishing me happy birthday via text. David wished me a happy birthday too and asked if I wanted to go to breakfast. I hadn’t fully decided upon going out to breakfast so I asked if we could do like a brunch or lunch instead. We went to BJ’s brewhouse and restaurant. I got my favorite, avocado eggrolls. Unfortunately, David started feeling really sick so we ended up just going home where I’ve binged watched Downton Abbey in order to prepare for the new movie that comes out next weekend.

JR‘s birthday is on the 26 and he has a party planned at a local jump spot on Sunday. I am taking him to a Japanese restaurant on Saturday to celebrate both of our birthdays. It should be a fun time!

Anyhow, here’s to another trip around the sun and to whatever the future may bring!

Time to Grow

A while back, while we were still in the apartment, JR brought home a plant he had grown from seed. Unfortunately, the plant met a horrible demise that resulted in tears from JR. He accidentally overwatered it. Those tears broke my heart and I promised him that we would have a garden for him at the new house.

Today, we started that garden. First, I set up the AeroGarden. In that, we have mint, dill, thyme, curly parsley, and two types of basil.

Next, we set up a seed starter set.

JR helped put the soil into the pods, then put the seeds in. I made the labels since we didn’t want any surprises. JR said the soil felt “gross” but he is so excited to harvest what we are growing.

His only complaint is that I forgot to get bacon seeds. It’s a joke. He knows that bacon comes from pigs. We are growing two of his favorite fruits, watermelon and strawberries. We are also growing ingredients to make spaghetti sauce. My amazing MIL (for lack of a better way to describe my relationship with her), Roxanne, and I have discussed spending a weekend in my kitchen jarring delicious foods for future consumption. It is our intent to do salsas, soups, sauces, and some other forms of delectable goodies. I am so ready for it!

I’m a huge vegetable eater. I’m doing my best to encourage the boys to eat them too. I try to have vegetables with every meal. David would eat corn every night if I allowed it. But no. We need a variety for growth and health reasons. Tonight I’m making steak with bacon wrapped asparagus and rice. Tomorrow for dinner is barbecue ribs with fries and salad.

When I make vegetables, I try making them a different way each time. That way the boys can figure out how they like them. I’m also taking a cue from my sister in love, Rob’s Surf Reports’ wife. She offers my nieces dessert if they’ve tried everything on their plate. I typically only do dessert once a week but I’m going to try it more often when the boys get new foods. I bought popsicles but tonight will be microwave s’mores!

JR is so proud of his new garden. I can’t wait until he can taste the products of his efforts.

I know my dad would be proud. He has such an impressive knowledge of soil and how to grow a garden. I also know that if it fails, that it’s okay and to try again.

Grow little seeds! Sprout and produce!